Maryland Passes Statewide Balloon Release Ban
Ocean City, MD

Christina C Condo Pond


The Town of Ocean City along with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program assisted the Three Christina C Condo Association in rehabilitating an eroding shoreline on a storm water pond at 75th Street. The pond that has been in place for over 60 years has experienced degradation of the pond embankment and needed attention.

The Maryland Coastal Bays Program obtained two grants from the Department of Natural Resources Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund. The Trust Fund was established to provide financial assistance necessary to advance Maryland’s progress in meeting the goals established in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement for the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Coastal Bays by focusing limited financial resources on non-point source pollution control projects. However, due to high increases in cost of materials during the time between the cost estimate and securing necessary permits, the cost of materials increased significantly. The Town of Ocean City saw the value of the project and stepped in to provide the extra funds using the Cost Share Program to complete the project on time.